Eight years ago, telling people that you worked at home and through the internet will afford you with funny looks and snickers (not the chocolate kind). Online freelancing wasn’t viewed as a legitimate source of income. However, fast-forward to today, all of this has changed. An individual who is not open to a career with a digital advantage may leave a lot of lost opportunities on the table.
My Online Freelancing Career
I started my online freelancing career seven years ago when UpWork, a global freelancing platform, was still oDesk. I needed to do extra work on the side so I’d have enough to support the needs of my son, who was just two or three at that time.
My main job was teaching English online to Korean nationals. When I got off work, I looked for quick writing jobs that I could finish in 3 hours. Eventually, my side-hustle became my main hustle because I saw that my earning potential would be bigger.
So, for those who say that online freelancing is not sustainable, I am living proof that it is. Currently, it is my personal advocacy to teach and encourage those who might want to walk on the same path I did to take the first step.
Steps to Having a Digital Advantage in Your Career
They say that the first step is always the hardest, and it is true. I’ve always been a safe player which was why I started online freelancing part-time. I wanted to make sure that the right opportunities for my skill-set existed. You, too, can do the same. Before quitting your 9-to-5 job, do a bit of self-assessment and research. Are you good at telemarketing? Are there enough telemarketing jobs in the online hemisphere? If yes, proceed to your second step:
1. Lightning Fast Internet

You can’t really have a digital advantage if you don’t have reliable internet. With providers like PLDT Home, you’ll be sure to have a secure connection with little to no loading time. Whether you are going to use your internet for downloading and uploading documents, streaming, making calls abroad, you can count on PLDT Home.
2. Root Yourself
Next, when you already have your PLDT Home connection, find a place where you can get clients and build your portfolio. It could be platforms like OnlineJobs.ph, Fiverr, UpWork or etc. You can make a profile in any legitimate skills platform you prefer, but I found that choosing one where you can grow your roots work best.
3. Be Consistent
Don’t be too impatient. If you got turned down for a job, don’t lose hope. Work on building your skills and your portfolio. Fine-tune your approach, and always look at things from the client’s perspective. Deliver your results on time, and make sure that there’s room in your schedule to spend time with your loved ones.
Your Digital Advantage
You may not reap the fruits of your labor just yet, but with the skills and aptitude you are developing will leave you a cut above the rest in terms of having an established career. All it will take for you to have that digital advantage is to be brave enough to take the first step.
For more information about PLDT Home, be sure to visit their official website: https://pldthome.com/ .
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